
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sitting, Scooting, Eating and More!

A lot has happened these past couple of months! I'm a bit scatter-brained when it comes to writing, so bear with me!  Naomi can now sit up all by herself for a long time!  She will sit and play with her toys and daddy loves getting down in the floor to play with her. A couple of weeks ago she also started scooting, er, army crawling! It's hilarious to watch her go after her toys and it's only a matter of time before she can full-on crawl...yikes!  One more thing she started doing while the grandparents were here visiting was calling out "Mama" when she was crying.  I couldn't believe it when I first heard her, because really, the child is only 6 months old, but then it kept happening and we got it on video!  It totally makes my heart melt, even if she only says it when she's whining :)

A couple weeks ago we had visitors for a week straight, which was really hard on her during the night.  I think there was only one night that she actually slept all night.  Needless to say, we were all exhausted by the end of the week, but also so glad our families got to come see us! While my mom, sisters, and cousins were here, we went shopping at the outlet mall one day and had Kenzie's wedding shower and bachelorette party the next.  Matt's parents and sister came and stayed the next week and we got to take Naomi swimming for the first time in an indoor pool! She loooved it and splashed around and kicked almost the whole time. So cute!

At her 6 month check-up she weighed 14lbs. 8 oz. (19%) and was 27" long (88%).  She is long and lean, but a healthy, happy girl! We also started solids a little over a month ago and it has been so fun! She is a GREAT eater so far, unlike her momma :) We went from rice cereal to oatmeal, avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, carrots, and now green beans. She has loved everything (if I add enough breast milk to it)! HA! At the beginning, I tried making my own rice cereal and she HATED it! We have a hilarious video documenting that! But everything else she's eaten like a champ. I'm hoping she inherited Matt's wide variety of tastes for foods and not my pickiness :)  She is still on a great schedule, waking at around 7am and going to bed for the night around 9pm, takes pretty good 1-2hr naps, and sleeps all night!  We love her to pieces and couldn't have asked for a better, happier baby girl.

And now for the big news...we are moving back to TULSA!  What?!?  Yes, you read that right.  Matt accepted a position with a company called Airgas where he will be the Master Data Supervisor.  Sounds important, right?! :)  Ever since his MBA he's been wanting a business job using his financial, accounting, marketing and analysis skills and this opportunity presented itself a while ago.  So after months of talking with them, they finally made an offer.  When he first talked with Airgas, we really didn't expect anything to happen, and honestly, we were completely ok with that.  Then, when the offer was made, we took several days to think through, pray, and seek wise counsel to make sure there weren't any red flags.  I will say that this has been one of the hardest decisions we have made thus far in our married life.  We absolutely LOVE the area we are in right now, have just started to really get involved in our church, and have met some great friends that have made Lewisville feel like 'home' to us.  So, this move is extremely bittersweet.  Some of the 'sweet' things that await us in Tulsa are free babysitters ANY TIME, our 2nd family is only 1 hour away :), Matt's actual working hours will probably be significantly less than what they have been, he will actually be able to have weekends free and vacation, and the job is downtown. In a high rise. Where he'll even get to wear a suit and tie to work. Literally, his dream.  So, obviously there are some nerves here and then all the things to think about and do that go into moving across states. AGAIN. Ugh. So, maybe I'll update in a couple months?? HA, we'll see :)

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