
Monday, July 9, 2012

10 months!

Naomi is 10 months old.  Time is flying. I still can't believe I have a 10 month old.  It just sounds so...old! Haha!  These last few months have been super packed with moving (twice), my sister's wedding, going to see friends in Tahlequah, my other sister's baby shower, training for a 10k, our 5 year anniversary, and lots more.  When we moved from Texas back to OK, we still had a month left on our apt. lease, so we decided to leave most of our stuff there and live out of our suitcases at my mom's house until we could find a house. Luckily we found an awesome house just 2 weeks after moving home and got to move in at the end of May which worked out perfectly.  We love it!

The weekend we moved home we also went to visit our Tahlequah family. We are crazy for trying to cram in everything like that, but we made it happen somehow!  It was soo good to see our friends, Brent and Cindy and meet their precious little boy Eli.  And the Lynch boys were absolutely smitten with Naomi, which melted my heart!  Little Sankie and Owen loved to hug her and give her kisses and Sankie liked to smell her head! Haha!  It was so sweet :)  We also loved getting to see the Murray's and little Miss Emersyn who is just a couple months younger than Naomi.  They were so cute playing together and we got some great photos.  I also loved getting to chat about this new stage of life we are all in now!  Hopefully, since we're only an hour away now, we'll get to see more of our Tquah family.

(Sankie loves her head!)

(Emerson and Naomi)

(The Whole Crew)

(This just melts my heart!)

(Sankie, Eli, Owen, Naomi, and Jackson. My girl is a little outnumbered, but she's got a great bunch to choose a future husband from!!! ;) )

McKenzie's wedding was the weekend after we moved home and it was absolutely beautiful! She spent hours upon hours making all of her decor.  That girl is so talented! The week leading up to the wedding was a little hectic, obviously, but overall everything went smoothly.  Kenzie was a gorgeous bride and the wedding was so much fun! Two days later, her and Nathan headed to El Paso, TX where he is based and they will be living for the next few years.
(Before the rehearsal dinner)

(Sisters right before the ceremony)

(My sweet little family at the wedding)

(First dance)

Last year on Memorial Day weekend we were moving TO Texas. And this year, on the same weekend, we were moving back. Crazy. We (me, Naomi, and my sister Katie) drove down early Friday morning in order to get some work done on one of our cars (we had a free alignment at a shop down there). Matt, my dad, and Kyle all came down later that day and by 10pm we were all packed in the Uhaul. Since it was so late and we were all exhausted, we decided to stay the night with our friends, Tyler and Vicky, and leave out early the next morning. We are so thankful for our family and friends who helped us move (again!). We couldn't have done it without them!

Several weeks ago we had a baby shower for my sister Chelsey who is having her little girl, Willow, this week!!  She, of course, got TONS of clothes :)  It's hard not to buy clothes for a sweet little girl!  I cannot wait for Willow to get here! Maybe it will hold me over until I can have another one ;)

At the end of May, Matt and I started training with Fleet Feet for a 10k. Really, I wanted to do it and dragged Matt into it, but now he is thankful I did! :)  We have 3 weekly runs with 2 lower mileage evening runs during the week and our longer runs on Saturday mornings.  We've been pretty consistent to make the evening runs, but it's been a little more difficult to make the morning ones since we have to find someone crazy enough to get up before dawn to watch Naomi.  Our families have been AWESOME in taking turns watching her for us while we train.  If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be able to do it (together, at least)! This past Saturday was our longest run yet at 6.2 miles and we were actually able to go.  It was long and hard, but finishing felt SO GOOD! I have never run that far in my life so the feeling of accomplishment was awesome.  Our race is in 3 weeks and I can't wait!

June 23rd marked our 5 year anniversary! We headed down to Dallas and hung out with our friends at a baseball game, then shopped at the Galleria, stayed in a super nice hotel, went out to eat, saw some more friends, shopped at the outlet mall and came home.  Great packed-full-of-fun weekend :)

It's just crazy how much Naomi has grown and learned in the last few months! She learned to sit up from a crawling position, pull up to stand, walk around while holding on to things like our ottoman, wave, clap, say "dadda", drink from a sippy cup, and feed herself finger food. It has been so fun to watch all of this unfold before my eyes, but I can't help wanting her to SLOW DOWN and stay little! I'm not ready to be a mommy of a toddler :(  One thing that hasn't changed is her schedule. She is definitely eating a lot more at each solid feeding but still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps about 10+ hours a night, thankyoujesus. She is also becoming more aware of her surroundings and people and tends to be a little clingier to me when introduced to someone new.  She is still a very happy and mostly content baby and we are so grateful for her 'pleasant' spirit (Naomi means pleasant). We just love her to pieces!

(This is Graham, her TX boyfriend)

(Wiggin' out at Aunt Kenzie's bachelorette party!)

(Facetiming with Gram and Poppi)


1 comment:

  1. Whew! That was a great update. Miss you and your family.
