
Friday, January 20, 2012

I LOVE my J-O-B + Random Update

That's right. I LOVE being a stay at home mommy.  There is absolutely nothing in the world I would rather be doing all day every day than raising my precious girl.  I'm so grateful for my husband, who not only shares this mentality, but works very hard to make it a priority.

The past month or so was kind of crazy.  We were in Tulsa for a few days after Thanksgiving visiting family. The next week I came back home for a family situation and ended up staying a couple nights. On Dec. 11, at our new church, we dedicated Naomi to the Lord.  Matt's parents and my mom got to come to the service and I'm so glad they were there.  The night before, Matt got really sick, so even though he managed to drag himself out of bed and to church, that was about all we saw of him the rest of the day, poor guy! Luckily it was only a 24 hour bug and no one else got sick.  My mom stayed with us for a few days and we had our little Christmas with her.  The next weekend was CRAZY.  We had planned to just go to Edmond to meet up with Matt's family Christmas day and then drive home that night since Matt's store was only closed that day.  Well, Matt ended up being able to take off almost 3 days of work so we drove up to Sara's Christmas Eve eve, stayed the night with her, got up the next morning and drove to Tulsa to surprise Matt's grandparents and mom and dad to have Christmas Eve with that side of his family, then drove back to Edmond that night, got up the next morning and had Christmas at Sara's house (Matt's brother and parents drove over early that morning), then that afternoon we drove back to Tulsa to surprise both my dad's side and mom.  We stayed at Matt's parents house that night and went to his cousin's the next day so Matt could see family that had come in from out of town.  Matt had to go back home that day, but I got to stay in town and see a couple of my best friends that I hadn't seen in while.  A couple days later, my dad and sister drove me back home and stayed with us for a couple of days and then my friend Lauren and her baby, Wesley, came and visited.  It was so good to see her and meet her sweet little boy!  And it was so cute to see him and Naomi together.  It was a busy week, but I'm so glad it all worked out for us to see all our family and friends.  And as much as I love the holidays and seeing everyone, I'm glad the hustle and bustle is all over and things have settled back down into routine again.  I thrive on routine. :)

Naomi is now 'talking' to us, or the air, or her animal friends.  It's so cute!  She just coos and coos, even when no one is watching.  She is sleeping great through the night (even though last week she had a growth spurt and was up several times a night several nights..ugh!) and a few weeks ago, I dropped the late evening feeding.  She gets anywhere between 1-2 hour naps during the day and has been going down great without crying! She's on a good 3-4 hour schedule now too.  One bad thing is that she has started to hate being in her car seat unless she's moving.  She'll start to get really fussy if she has to sit still for very long at all.  I hope this is just a phase!  She's also been drooling like crazy.  People keep saying that it's a sign of teething, but I haven't felt any yet.

I've started to go through her closet and clean out all the clothes she can't fit into anymore and let's just say I may or may not have cried about it.  I can't believe how fast time is flying and how fast she is growing!  I know everyone says that, but it really is true.  I'm so thankful for all the videos and pictures that we've taken since the day she was born to look back on.  Here's some recent shots:

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