
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Belly, Indigestion, and Baby Bedding

Ok, so I suck at blogging...I really want to, but other things seem to catch my interest and a lot of the times, writing is hard for me.  I have to sit and think and I feel like that's a waste of time.  But I do want to remember this time in my life.  So here we are at 24 weeks 2 days.  The belly is getting big!
 (At 18 wks)

(At 24 wks)

And I've been able to feel our little girl swimming around for the past couple of weeks!  That has been the coolest feeling!  Matt finally for sure felt her this past weekend...he was SO excited :)  I think he felt her before, but he just didn't know if it was her or the his heart beating in his hands.  Also recently I developed indigestion - thanks baby girl! Ha!  I've never had it before and was describing the feeling to a friend who told me what it was.  And I've apparently gotten a ton more freckles than I normally get in the summer.  Pregnancy has been so hard ;)

School is coming to a close in a couple weeks and we aren't for sure yet where we will be.  Matt has been working at a store in Texas during the weeks and coming home on the weekends (hate that!)  We are waiting on his company to give us the green light and then we will be moving there.  Really sucky timing.  I wish this had happened a year ago, or even a year from now.  Moving 4 hours from all family and friends right before you have your first baby and both our family's first grandbaby, is not my idea of awesome.  Although, where we are moving is where we've dreamt of living for a few years now, so I guess a little give and take is necessary.

In other news, when we found out we were having a girl, I began scouring the interwebs all over again for the perfect bedding.  You see, we already had our hearts set on an adorable woodland friends bedding set we found right after I found out I was pregnant, but it was a little too boyish.  So I looked, and looked, and LOOKED, and nothing stood out to me.  On the animal bedding, one of the cutest animals was the owl.  So I started browsing for girlish owl bedding. Nothing. Then a friend of mine started telling me about how she had learned to quilt and showed me some of the baby quilts she had made.  LIGHTBULB!  My sometimes-brilliant-mind-that-later-wishes-I-hadn't-thought-of-that-idea went crazy.  At that point, I had committed to making a quilt for our little girl because nothing else would do.   But, no, not just any quilt, a completely-hand-drawn-by-yours-truly applique quilt. With owls of course. Funny how I just decided to do this having never used a sewing machine. In my life.  Also, did I mention I had no idea how to say the word applique?  What had I gotten myself into??!  As it turns out, this project has been so much fun.  I'm nowhere near finished yet, but what has been created so far, I LOVE.  My wonderful mother-in-law has helped me so much and even taught me how to use the sewing machine she bought me a couple years back.  I can't wait to see the finished product and make the rest of the bedding.  Hopefully she will love it as much as I do (yeah right!) or at least appreciate the love that was put into it.  In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the progress so far...

Some of the original drawings to figure out what I wanted

Then came buying all the fabric..

Starting to put it together...

The owls have eyes!

Almost finished owls and one of the tree branches..not sure which leaf design I'm going with yet..

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