
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

9 Weeks...

Christmas Eve 2010, Matt and I found out some pretty exciting (and kinda scary) news...we were going to be parents!  As soon as that stick showed a faint 2nd line, Matt was ecstatic, and me?  I was in disbelief.  The whole rest of that day I kept thinking, 'this can't be true, this can't be true.  I don't even 'feel' pregnant.'  Not to sound like I wasn't excited, I was, but then my fears kind of set in and took over.  

Even though I knew it was really early on, we decided to tell our families Christmas day.  Talk about having the best Christmas gift to give.   Our families were sooo incredibly excited which made it that much more exciting and fun for us.  

So fast forward a few weeks to now.  I am now 9 weeks (according to my last period) and the last couple of weeks I've felt extreme tiredness, had bouts of nausea (but haven't thrown up, thank God!), had lots of soreness in the chest area, and food is not enjoyable to me at all.  So, thankfully, I haven't had it that bad, but we'll see :)  We have our first doctor's appt. on Thursday and I am excited and anxious to see if that little stick was telling the truth and their actually IS a little baby inside me.  It still feels so surreal to me, like I'm lying to each new person I tell.  But hopefully the appt. will make things real-er to me.  

We are both sorta hoping it's a boy, mostly because there are sooo many girls on my side of the family, but honestly we'll be so excited either way.   So now I'm just praying that everything goes well with my first appt. and that whatever's in there is healthy :)

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