
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wow! It's been almost a whole month since I, or should I say Matt, last posted...Well, A LOT has happened since then.  A few days after that post, Matt and I got the go ahead from his company that Matt would be taking over the store in Lewisville and we would be moving the very next weekend.  You can read about all the emotions and details on my other blog, but needless to say, it was a hard week for me.  We've been in Texas for about 2 1/2 weeks now and so far really like it!  Although I hate living on the 3rd floor, our apartment is spacious, has tons of storage and is right by Matt's work.  There is so much to do and explore around here and that has kept us from feeling lonely, or at least me.

We met with our new doctor last week and she seems great.  She was very talkative and informative, but also extremely professional about everything.  Matt and I looooved our doctor back in Tulsa.  She was super sweet and very down to earth.  Not that the new one isn't, but we've just seen her once, so we'll see how it goes.

I am now a whopping 29 weeks and 3 days! Yay for 3rd trimester!!  Here's a photo I took last week at 28 weeks...

I absolutely love my baby belly :) I don't mean to sound vain, but I just love it!  It's a constant reminder of the incredible creation that God has blessed us with.  One of my favorite things is feeling her move around.  She is very active at certain times of the day, and sometimes I'll just sit with my hands on my belly for a while and enjoy it :)  I love that Matt can feel her kicks and movements much more now.  He loves it too!  We are just completely in awe of this whole thing and really can't wait to meet her.

And last, but certainly not least, we have also finally chosen a name for our baby girl!  Naomi Claire :)  It took me a while to be completely on board with committing to it, but now that I have, I know it's perfect for her.  Going back to scripture, choosing a good name was very important to me.  God changed several people's names in the bible based on his new plan for their lives, so I wanted to give her a name that had a meaning that we could pray over her.  Naomi means "pleasant; beautiful" and Claire means "bright; clear (or pure)".  I love these meanings and we will be praying that she is/becomes all of these things according to God's will for her life.  We cannot wait to meet Naomi :)

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