
Friday, August 31, 2012

Ooops, We Did It Again!

I'm writing this post on Aug. 13, 2012, just 2 days after I took the pregnancy test that confirmed what we thought might be true.  I started feeling really tired and having bouts of nauseousness last week, and after not having a period for over 2 months (which can be normal while still breastfeeding) Matt suggested I take a test.  BAM! Those 2 lines showed up faster than I could get my hands washed! hahaha...Anyway, we are sooo thrilled to be adding another member to our family in just 8 1/2 short months!  We haven't told anyone yet, which is SO hard for me! But I wanted to write this post (which I  won't be publishing till after the news is out) so I could document this journey yet again.  I've been frantically planning Naomi's first birthday party these last couple weeks and it's set for this Saturday.  I think we may make the announcement then since we'll have all our family and some of our closest friends there.  We haven't totally decided yet though.  But oh my goodness, I am SO stinkin' excited!  Still in a little disbelief, but these symptoms are getting stronger by the day which is making it very clear that little peanut is there!  We already love you and are so blessed by God to get to be your parents! We cannot wait to meet you sweet baby!

In other news, Naomi has 3 teeth coming in AND she has taken about 4 steps by herself! I'm gonna miss that sweet, gummy smile :) She is growing up so much faster than I'd like, but everyone always tells you that. I love making her laugh, her scrunched-up-face smiles, her open-mouthed kisses (please never stop!), her high pitched coos, sweet little dimples and her big, beautiful blue eyes. We are so blessed to have such a sweet baby girl and I cannot believe you are almost 1 :(

Stay little.
