
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pretty sure that last post was supposed to be scheduled to post itself, but it didn't...Anyway, waaaaay behind on blogging here!  Here's an update of random things I remember from the last couple of months since you are now 3 months old! Geez, time flies!

Ok, so from the get go breastfeeding was so incredibly hard and frustrating!  But your mom is as stubborn as a mule and was determined to make it work.  Also, I'm cheap and my boobs are free, so there.  At about 6 weeks old, you and I finally got it down and you've been great ever since...except that you take anywhere from 45 mins to 1 hour to eat! Talk about a S  L  O  W  eater!

When you were about 1 month old, you started making a really weird noise one night after you ate and it sounded like you were gasping for air (which you were) and it made you upset (obviously, it would me too!) and by getting upset, it got worse.  Your dad and I about had a panic attack and rushed you to the ER.  After the doctors checked you out, you got a cat scan (because your awesome mom let you roll off our make shift changing station on top of our coffee table a couple days earlier so they thought maybe you had swelling in your brain which could cause breathing problems).  The cat scan came back negative for swelling and the chest x-rays showed no sign of a collapsed lung or any other problems, so you were diagnosed with trachea malaysia, which basically means that your trachea collapses in on itself sometimes causing your airway to be small and makes it hard for you to breathe. Awesome. The doctor told us that you will grow out of it by the time you're a toddler and to just watch it and make sure your lips don't turn blue. Double awesome. Other than that, you are a healthy and happy girl!

At your 2 month check up you were 11 lbs and 2 oz. and 23 3/4 in. long.  Still pretty long for your age. You've been eating well and we get in about 5-6 feedings per day.  You started sleeping through the night consistently just a couple weeks ago and it's been great :)  Your daddy and me know exactly what to do to get a smile out of you, and we can't get enough of em'!  You are your happiest right after you eat (go figure, me too) and so getting you to smile is easy.  Last week, while you were sleeping, you laughed for the first time! It happened so fast but it was too cute! Your daddy and I can't wait till you start laughing at us!

In clothes, you're in size 0-3months or 3 months right now.  I think we've only bought you 1 outfit since your Grandmas keep your closet stocked full.  Every time they come see you or we go see them, you get something new.  I can't blame them.  It's hard not to buy cute outfits for you!  But instead, mommy makes the cute headbands to go with the outfits :)

You really are such a good baby!  You only really cry when you're hungry or when I lay you down for a nap sometimes.  If I make you wait too long to eat, you scream your head off :)  We started doing 'tummy time' after you were about 6 weeks old and you've gotten really good at it!  Then you started rolling from your tummy to your side, and last week, rolled all the way over from tummy to back! I even got it on video :)  Speaking of video, I don't think 1 day has gone by that your life hasn't been documented by video or picture.  We, and all your crazy family, are absolutely head over heels in love with you.  I wake up each morning so thankful I get to be your momma, and your daddy is just as in love with you as I am.  Almost daily he stops to stare at you and says, "Isn't she just the most precious thing ever?!" And, of course, I agree.  You are so precious and beautiful, just look!

 (At about 10 days old) 

 (2 weeks old)

 (3 weeks old)

 (Grandpa loves making you laugh! 6 weeks old)

 (about 8 weeks old)

(11 weeks old)

The next few are all random...

We love you so much, Naomi Claire.  You are such an incredible gift from God.  We get the privilege of raising you and hope to instill in you the faith in God that your daddy and I have.  He gave you to us so that we could teach you about Him.  We pray for you daily that He would call you to Himself one day and that you would live your life following after Him.