
Friday, August 26, 2011

39 Weeks and Waiting...

We are officially less than 1 week away from Naomi's due date!  I cannot believe how close it is and how fast time has flown by!  Matt and I are getting more and more anxious by the day for her arrival and hoping it comes sooner rather than later, of course :)

Matt and I (and Naomi) have been so incredibly blessed by friends and family in getting everything we needed to be prepared for her.  I have been completely blown away and humbled by God's provision.  Speaking of things for her, her quilt is sooo close to being finished! All I have left is to figure out how to sew the binding on.  Here's a peek at it without the binding...
That may have to wait til after she's born when my sweet mother-in-law comes to hang out with us for a week :)  Matt got her beautiful furniture all put together a couple weeks ago, and I ended up making a crib skirt for her in just a couple days (super easy online tutorial=Cassy's complete focus til project is finished) Ha!  Yes, I completed it, but thank God you can only see one side of the thing! My sewing skills are horrible!

Plus, there was fabric and thread all over our living room for a few days and poor hubby dealt with it like a champ.  Actually, he's been so encouraging about all this stuff I decided to make for her at the last minute and thinks it's really sweet, which makes me think he's really sweet :)  After I finished the crib skirt, I decided to take some canvases a friend had given me and use them in making decor with her name on it.  I loved how it turned out as well.

So, I think I'm done 'nesting', unless something else crafty sparks my interest :)  Now, we wait....

Last week at my doctor's visit, they measured Naomi again and now think she's a whopping 9.6lbs!  My doctor suggested we go ahead and schedule an induction for the day after her due date, and we were happy to do so since we thought she may be getting to big to deliver normally.  Then we had our childbirth class the next day and learned so much about labor, delivery, epidurals, and even inductions.  Now, I really don't want to induce unless I have to.  I am hoping and praying that my body will go into labor all on its own when she is ready to be born.  We talked with our doctor at our appointment yesterday about holding out for a little longer and decided to wait til next week (after my due date) to measure the baby again and then decide to do an induction after that.  Come on out Naomi, everyone is waiting for you!!!