
Friday, July 29, 2011

Baby, Belly, and Vacation

It feels like time is flying now that I only have 4 weeks left until my due date! EEEKKK!!  I am so incredibly excited and also soooo not prepared! My sister and mom are throwing me a shower this weekend back in Tulsa, so I'm hoping Naomi doesn't decide to make her appearance in the next couple of days :)  When we first got pregnant, we thought we had all the time in the world to prepare, and now I'm getting anxious for all we have left to do. Or really, I'm the one that's getting nervous about it. Not only do we not have her furniture yet (that's coming from mom and dad soon! YAY!) but I still don't have her bedding done, or anything else for that matter.  And, since we moved into an apartment, I don't get to decorate a nursery, which honestly, I'm glad about now because I would be freaking out trying to paint, find decor, etc.  She will have her bed and dresser in the same room as our guest bed and office. Poor little thing :)

We had a Dr.'s appt. a couple weeks ago and I was scheduled to have an ultrasound because my belly was measuring bigger than normal and my doc wanted to make sure everything was ok in there.  We hadn't gotten to see Naomi since week 20 so Matt and I were super excited to see our baby girl moving around again :)  Normally she moves like crazy all day long, but, of course during the ultrasound she didn't move!  The technician was able to measure her pretty easily since she wasn't moving too much and told us she is measuring 2 1/2 weeks ahead of schedule as far as weight goes.  It won't push my due date up, but I could be having a BIG baby! That kind of scares me a little.  But other than that, she is completely healthy and so am I.  We are getting so excited to meet her and hold her and love on her.  It's still so fun to feel her move and kick around in my belly.  We've felt different body parts protruding quite a bit more now.  Sometimes Matt will even push on my belly to get her to play back with him :)  Don't worry, our doc said that was ok and it wouldn't hurt her. Here's a couple of belly photos...

At 33 wks

And at 35 wks

She's starting to feel too big for my belly :)  And I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable doing anything except sitting or laying down.  I get out of breath pretty quickly, and bending over to pick something up feels like I'm cramming her up into my ribs!  Other than that, I'm doing great.  My feet will swell every now and then when I've been on them too much, but I can't complain. This has been a great pregnancy (thank the good Lord because if not, it would probably be my last) and now we're praying for a smooth and quick delivery.

Right now I'm getting caught up on my mom's wedding photos I took for her big day in Maui, HI.  We got to spend a week there before her wedding and I had never been to Hawaii before, but it did not disappoint!  It was absolutely breathtaking and I couldn't stop taking pictures :)  My mom's new husband, Brad, treated us all to an incredible resort, amazing food, shopping, snorkeling, deep sea fishing, and more.  It was a vacation Matt and I never dreamed of being able to take, plus we had so much fun with both families.

This next week will be spent trying to get quilt top finished so I can send it off to be quilted and then I'll have to figure out how to put the binding on.  I was planning on making a bumper as well, but since it's so late, that may not happen.